Wednesday, June 25, 2008

More Andrea & Bryon

Andrea & Bryon ~ Burbank, Ca

Here are some images from a wedding I photographed on May 31, 2008. What a great wedding! Andrea, is definitely like a ray of sunshine and she definitely beamed on her wedding day. I can't express how fun weddings are for me to shoot. Andrea & Byron are really cool people and I also know them on a personal level too... so it was especially meaningful.

Andrea & her boot

Poor Andrea... she fractured her toe just a couple days prior.
With the strength of God and some adrenaline, she made it!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Erin, Will & Mary

Here is a recent session I did in my studio with a wonderful client of mine, Erin. I love getting to know the parents and kids I photograph! Having two boys of my own gives me a different sense of perspective and comfort that I probably wouldn't have without my own experiences. Erin regularly brings her 4 kids to the studio for sessions. Like I mentioned previously, I'm always amzazed with the strength of mom's. Corralling 1 child can be a challenge.. but 4?! Will is about 12 months and Mary 2 1/2.

Capturing a child's unique personality is fun and challenging. Sometimes there isn't much in the way of verbal communication, but body language can play a huge part... I love getting down to their level and acting like a crazy, wild kid. This can involve rolling around, barking like a dog, make honking sounds, peekaboo and on and on. I'm glad nobody's taking photographs of me!!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Do you choose your photographer or vice-versa?

So I thought I'd give a photographers prospective on choosing a photographer. Choosing a photographer, particularly for a wedding, typically is a very personal decision. This is why even event planners like to give their clients options when it comes to photography. There are a lot of things to consider: age, style, personality, experience, and location to name a few.

Chemistry is another vital aspect. Photography, especially wedding photography is a very intimate experience for most people. The most powerful, emotional and moving images are portrayals of openness, honesty and vulnerability. The glance of a bride, an embrace of bride & groom. Without a sense of chemistry with the photographer, the fullest extent of this potential is generally not realized.

On the other hand, most photographers I know, myself included, take deliberate steps in actually "choosing our clients." Successful photographers deliberately position themselves to market to a certain clientele, one that typically appreciates their unique style. Furthermore, any artist (photographers included) need to feel an emotional connection with their subjects: "Chemisty."Without this vital ingredient, both photographer and subject will have difficulty achieving their greatest potential together. This is why when I meet with potential clients, establishing some common ground is vital. I generally encourage seeking out this level of comfort with their photographer, even if it's not with me.

I hope this sheds some insight! I look forward to hearing your comments and experiences :)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My boys...

So I am the very proud dad of 2 georgous little boys. Jaden 2 yrs and Maddox 9 months... Everyday I am so thankful for my sons as they are both truly a blessing from God. Jaden loves playing "golf ball", football, baseball and on and on. I'm sure every father thinks their children are unique but I feel Jaden has been blessed with amazing athletic talent. For example, he already throws his football with a spiral about 8-10 feet and when I throw it back he yells "hit me", too cute! Maddox is probably the happiest baby I've ever seen. He loves laughing, smiling, drooling and occasionally spitting up. Jaden loves his little brother; always kissing, hugging and asking to hold him. I've been reminded lately how much I truly am in awe of my wife Allena. Taking care of them day in and day out is a challenge and especially as Jaden enters the feared "terrible twos." 

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

More Denise & Erik...

The bridal party was so much fun! In fact practically every guest invited new how to have a good time. It's hard not to get caught up in all the fun!

Denise & Erik ~ La Quinta, Ca

Denise & Erik were married May 10, 2008 in La Quinta, Ca at the La Quinta Resort & Spa. Coordinator Mary Dann ( ) and her team were on hand taking care of every small detail. It's always such a pleasure working with them! Every area of the wedding is handled with impeccable class and style. You can see Mary in the window image below. The weather was amazing too.. I love the clean air, blue skies and livable desert feel. My inlaws live nearby to this resort so I get to experience it from time to time. The weekend was very fun, but also a lot of work. Destination weddings require extra energy, planning and motivation. On a typical wedding day, it can be non-stop for 9-14 hours with minimal water, food and rest. (maybe that's why there aren't weddings more than once or twice a week!). It's always nice when my dedication and commitment is recognized. Very rarely will a couple call or connect with their photographer before they leave on their honeymoon. Yet the next day after the wedding, I received a very nice message from Denise & Erik expressing their thankfulness and excitement to see the final images.